Battleship was originally a pencil-and-paper public domain game known by different names, but Milton Bradley made it into the well known board game in 1967. The pencil and paper grids were changed to plastic grids with holes that could hold plastic pegs used to record the guesses.Each player deploys his ships (of lengths varying from 2 to 5 squares) secretly on a square grid. Then each player shoots at the other’s grid by calling a location. The defender responds by “Hit!” or “Miss!”. You try to deduce where the enemy ships are and sink them. First to do so wins.The Salvo variant listed in the rules allows each player to call out from 1 to 5 shots at a time depending on the amount of ships the player has left (IE: players each start off with 5 ships, so they start off with 5 shots. As ships are sunk, the players gets fewer shots). This version of the game is closer to the original pencil-and-paper public domain game. Many versions of the pencil-and-paper game have different amounts of shots based on the ship (IE: Battleship: 5 shots. Destroyer: 3 Shots, Etc.).In 2008, Hasbro “reinvented” the game into Battleship (Revised).Some history of the published versions of the game:1931: Starex Novelty Co. of NY publishes Salvo.1933: The Strathmore Co. publishes Combat, The Battleship Game.1943: Milton Bradley publishes the pad-and-pencil game Broadsides, The Game of Naval Strategy.1943: Also published in 1943 Sink it by the L R Gebert Co. for distribution by G. Krueger Brewing Co.1940’s: Maurice L. Freedman Co. of RI publishes Warfare Naval Combat.1961: Ideal publishes Salvo.Other titles over the years have included Swiss Navy, Sunk (Parker Bros.), Convoy (Transogram), Wings (Strategy Games Co. of California), and Naval Battle (3M Paper and Pencil Version) .
Additional information
Mechanics: | Secret Unit Deployment |
Categories: | Educational Deduction Nautical War |
Alternative names: | Affonda la flotta Air Battle Aqua ¡Boom! Ataque Aéreo Atlantis: The Lost Empire – Two Worlds Collide Bataille Aérienne Bataille navale Batalha Naval Batalla Aérea Batalla Naval Battaglia Navale Battle Ships Battleboats Battleship Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game Battleship: Game Folio Edition Battleships Bitwa Morska Broadside Broadsides Classic battleship: movie edition Combat Combate Naval Convoy Convoy: Kryssarspelet De Groote Zeeslag De slag op zee Det stora sjöslaget F-5 Hundido F16 Derribado Flotta contro flotta Flotten-Kampfspiel Flottenkampfspiel Flottenmanöver Flotylla Guerra Barcos Guerra de barcos Hundir la Flota Hundir Los Barcos Kryssarspelet Kugu Kauja L’Aero Naval Laevade Pommitamine Laivanupotuspeli Luchtslag Luftschlacht Meritaistelu Morskoi Boi Naval Battle Normandie Nya Kryssarspelet Okręty Play Marine Pocket Battleships Radar Reise Flottenmanöver Salvo Sänka Skepp Schiffe versenken Schiffe-Versenken Schot voor de boeg Sea Battle Seemanöver Seeschlacht Sink the Battle Fleet Sjöslaget Slagorde Slagskip Sprekende zeeslag per computer Star Wars Battleship Star Wars Hundir la flota | Aundir a frota Submarino Sunk Swiss Navy Sænke slagskibe Søslag Tank Commander The Battleship Game Torpedó Touché-Coulé Trafalgar Travel Battleship Travel Sea Battle Two Worlds Collide Tzolelot Upscope Vlootgevecht Volldampf Voraus! Warfare Naval Combat Warship Warship Chess Warships Wings World’s Smallest Battleship Zeeslag Zeeslag Atlantis Zink de schepen Ναυμαχία Морской бой צוללות 씨-배틀 |
BARCODE: | 5010994874773 |
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